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Wendy Zollo (PenmanReview list)

Wendy A. Zollo, 43, was raised in Revere, Massachusetts, (a suburb of Boston) and holds an A.S degree in Dental Hygiene from Middlesex Community College. She currently resides in Ohio with her husband and two young sons.

She is the list-owner of both the penmanreview@triviumpublishing.com and ElizabethChadwick@topica.com email discussion lists.

She is the author and illustrator of an (as yet) unpublished children's book and is currently working on a historical novel about Anne and Isobel Neville. She's had historical articles published in the Ricardian Register (Newsletter - US Richard the Third Society), book reviews for The Historical Novel Society and does author interviews for Trivium Publishing. Though while she thoroughly enjoys research, Wendy has discovered for the most part she gets the most pleasure from the 'one on one' of author interviews. She interviewed Sharon K. Penman just before the release of Time and Chance and shared the same experience with Gillian Polack, author of Illuminations.

She doesn't consider writing a hobby but a career in progress. Her hobbies include travel, avoiding housework and breaking bones (hers!) in TaeKwonDo.

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