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Brian Wainwright

Brian Wainwright has lived almost all of his 50 years in the North West of England.

Within the Fetterlock, Brian's novel about Constance of York, is the fruit of many years of work, and many shredded earlier versions, a triumph of persistence over doubt. His interest in Constance was sparked by a throwaway reference to her in a general historical text book about the fifteenth century, and led to an intellectual voyage of discovery as he searched out the facts of her life and the political and social context in which she lived. His humourous novel, The Adventures of Alianore Audley, centres on the mischiefs of Constance's putative granddaughter during the Wars of the Roses, and was written by way of light relief from the main task. Brian is now working on a novel about Richard III, with several fairly revolutionary aspects to it, and hopes to complete it during his lifetime.

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